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Personal Wellness Audit [FREE e-fillable PDF download]

Wellness (n.): A conscious, deliberate process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices for a more satisfying lifestyle.

- Dr. Peggy Swarbrick

In 1997, Dr. Peggy Swarbrick, a long time occupational therapist, finalized her concept of "The 8 Dimensions of Wellness". Almost 30 years later, these ideas still hold true as ever to the different ways we can achieve health and wellness. A balance is required in all different aspects of our lives. Even if you are running marathons and eating clean, if you are buried in debt or isolated from friends and family, you won't be able to achieve an overarching feeling of wellbeing. 
This wellness audit will bring you through the 8 dimensions of wellness and consider each one individually. There are sections to reflect, as well as set goals for each one. Focus on dimensions that are more regularly neglected in your life, but continue good habits that are already in place.
I personally find that I do best in Financial, Physical, and Intellectual health, but my Emotional and Spiritual health is more lacking. I already have great exercise, budget, and learning routines in place, so even if I become more productive in those areas, it doesn't necessarily make me feel better overall. In fact, overexerting myself in those areas is currently making me suffer emotionally as they contribute negatively to stress and burnout after a certain point. I would look to set goals with things such as journaling and meditation to become more peaceful and carefree. 

  • EMOTIONAL: Understanding feelings, coping with stress, prioritizing self care, managing emotions in a constructive way, empathizing with others, feeling positive and confident
  • FINANCIAL: Having low financial stress, keeping a budget, having money aside for emergencies and retirement, cutting down unnecessary spending, being able to help others
  • SOCIAL: Sense of belonging, deep connections with others, caring about those around you, interacting with others in a positive way, contributing to the community
  • SPIRITUAL: Knowing your personal values and purpose in life and living by them, meditation and self-reflection, feeling inner peace, can be achieved with or without organized religion
  • OCCUPATIONAL: Deriving satisfaction from work, feeling that life is enriched by your vocation, being supported in the workplace, ability to manage work stressors, opportunity to use your talents in your work
  • PHYSICAL: Taking care of your body with good hygiene and nutrition, participating in physical activity to the best of your ability, getting enough sleep, avoiding negative health habits such as smoking
  • INTELLECTUAL: Consistently expanding knowledge, valuing new information and viewpoints, staying curious and creative, recognizing your gifts, challenging yourself regularly, sharing your thoughts, having an open mind
  • ENVIRONMENTAL: Living a life that is respectful of the world around you, feeling a connection to the natural world, committing to protecting the environment, being aware of how your habits affect the earth, awareness of global issues

