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24 Hour Ideal Day [FREE PDF Download]

"Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life"
– Steve Jobs

If you ever need a reset of your values and priorities for the day, creating a 24-hour "ideal day" pie chart is a great way to visualize your day and how much time you really have to accomplish everything you hope to do. It is also a great way to prioritize the things that are truly important to you, and carve out time for it all.

Firstly, get set up with your sleep schedule, as well as other non-negotiables like your commute, class times, or work hours. Then, add in realistic time frames to get other life tasks in, such as cooking, cleaning, and hygiene. After adding in all of this, there's a good chance you'd be surprised at how little time is left for the things we really want to do. 

From here, narrow down all of your want-to-do's into the most important things. For some of us, this may be hitting the gym, for others, it might be painting. If you only have a handful of hours, you need to focus on the things that truly improve your life. Wanting to do everything at once is impossible, and having to decide what to focus on when you're tired after a long day of work is a recipe for doom scrolling!

Not every day needs to be the same, nor does it need to be perfect. You can make one that's different for a work day versus a weekend, or even a different one for each day of the week. If you're a shift worker, you can make different ones for common shift times. 

I like using mine simply as a guide for my day. I don't feel the need to stick to it 100%, but having a general outline that makes it so obvious how quickly the time in our days passes us by is a great reminder to use my time wisely. I'm also always sure to include rest times for myself. Rest is so important, and being able to fully relax knowing that I'm not shirking responsibility elsewhere is a great feeling. 
