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Summer Fitness Bingo! [FREE PDF Download]

We do not stop exercising because we grow old – we grow old because we stop exercising.” 

– Dr. Kenneth Cooper

If you're anything like me, you spend your winters dreaming of all the things you want to do during the summer, only to let those precious warm months fly by, without crossing anything off the bucket list! That's why I created my summer fitness bingo - for fun, challenge, and health! 

There are a variety of activities that can be adapted to suit every participant's needs. Some of the activities may be old hat for some, but are totally out of the box for others. Feel free to take the prompts and make them your own!

Set your goals for your bingo card - you may want to just complete a line, or fill out the whole card - along with a timeframe you'd like to complete the card in. You can also share the challenge with friends, family, and coworkers. Choose to compete, or to stay motivated and hold each other accountable. You could even make filling out the card a group effort.

Each time you cross out a square, make sure to celebrate your success. Share on social media, check in with your accountability buddies, or simply reflect on how you feel having accomplished a task you set out to complete. Remember to honor your body, and practice gratitude for the things it is able to do for you.

Setting goals and tracking your progress is a sure-fire way to motivate yourself to be active and try new things this summer. Having a fun and visual way to monitor your progress will keep things interesting along the way. Keep the card in a visual place, like a fridge or corkboard, so that you're reminded to plan fun new activities. 

Prioritize your health and wellness this summer in a fun and engaging way! I hope you will discover new activities, get out of your comfort zone, and make lasting memories along the way. Get your card today and give yourself the gift of a healthy and fit summer to remember. 

Click here to download your FREE Summer Fitness Bingo PDF! 
