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Showing posts from February, 2024

What's in the Fridge? [FREE e-fillable PDF Download]

"There is food for everyone on this planet, but not everyone eats" - Carlo Petrini Did you know that the average family in the USA throws out $1,600 worth of groceries every year? That's more than $408 BILLION dollars in one country alone! I'm certainly guilty of finding wilted spring mix and moldy bread laying around. I wanted to find a way to keep track of everything I have on hand to be able to remember it all and plan meals around what I've already got. I came up with this super simple PDF solution that has been helping plan meals, save money, and reduce waste. It's also great for those times when you're too tired to think about what to eat, and end up turning to takeout instead. I keep my fridge inventory in a plastic page protector so I can make it reusable with a dry erase marker. Things like produce, dairy, and meat go into my perishables section, and I always take a look when I'm planning my meals. I also have a spot to jot down healthier snac